Uncertain, Uninformed, Unconcerned, Unprepared - The Return of Christ

Uncertain, Uninformed, Unconcerned, Unprepared(Caution, you might not like this pastor’s note very much)

  • You will most likely die.
  • Jesus Christ will return.
  • Everyone, living or dead, will face the judgment of God.
  • Only those found in Christ will go to heaven and live eternally with Christ/God.
  • Most people will be totally unprepared for all of the above.

I am not making this up, the Bible (God’s written word/revelation) states this in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5-11. And, as always, I encourage you to look this up and read it for yourself, so you will not be uncertain, uninformed, unconcerned, and unprepared.Throughout my 40 years of life in Christian ministry, I have been asked, “You think we are living in the end times?” Often followed by, “I sure think so.” When I ask, “Why?” the usual answers cite evidence of the country going to pot (no pun intended), signs such as more natural disasters, and Christians losing influence and respect. I am always taken back by this response because it sounds spoiled to me. Just because things are getting more difficult for us does not mean Jesus will come back to bail us out. Strange how we are okay with Jesus waiting a bit when everything is going the way we like it, regardless of the fact that Christian brothers and sisters are suffering terribly around the world.Few things lend themselves better to mislead people than eschatology (the study of end times). Jesus, speaking of these matters (Mark 13) warned his disciples, who wanted answers as to the when, what signs, and how, not to be misled and deceived. Instead of constantly looking for signs He directed them to be vigilant about daily living holy lives that are about doing God’s will. Of course, it is much easier to speculate about the future and mistake supposed informedness with actual active readiness. The clear fact, stated by Jesus himself (Mark 13:32), is no one knows when except God alone.Paul writes to the Thessalonians because somebody came along and was teaching them shoddy eschatology. So, Paul reminded them of the facts regarding Jesus return and the end of time:

  • Jesus will return! In Glory, in power, in judgment, and no one will miss it. But no one knows or can predict when. He will come like a “thief in the night,” think unannounced and unexpected. He will come with 100% certainty, like a pregnant woman will give birth, it is not a matter of if but when.
  • To be prepared for Christ’s return one has to be “in Christ,” (think saved, born again, having confessed Christ as Lord and Savior), and daily live like a fully committed follower of Jesus.
  • Tragically, there will be those who dismiss, even mock, the reality of Jesus return and the coming judgment, telling themselves and others that there is nothing to worry about, that believing in and following Jesus is not important, that somehow everyone’s personal beliefs are sufficient preparation, that things are fine and will continue as always. The result will be total unpreparedness for the eternal wrath and judgment of God.
  • Christians need to live in the light of Jesus’ promise to return and be committed to daily “sober,” holy, faithful, living concerned with the will, the ways, and the purposes of God.

Jesus has not returned in 2000 years. You and I do not know if He will return in our lifetime or wait another 2000 years (which would be 2000 years of mercy and opportunity for sinners to repent and follow Him). Chances are high that your and my life will end long before Jesus comes back, our personal end will come all too soon, and we get this one lifetime to prepare for Jesus’s return and the final judgment of God.If you read this far, you are no longer uninformed, you should not be unconcerned about where you stand with Christ and God’s judgment, you have an opportunity to remove all uncertainty by coming to Christ, you have no excuse to be unprepared.To God be all glory. Love you, Pastor Hans    

Extraordinary Kindness

Generous, stingy, educated, ignorant, selfless, selfish, honest, liar, saint, sinner, gentle, violent, trustworthy, corrupt, hard-working, lazy, hot-tempered, calm, humble, arrogant, forgiving, bitter, fit, out of shape, interesting, boring, funny, grumpy, patient, impatient, blessing, jerk, straight-forward, two-faced, wise, foolish, handy, clumsy…

We are all known for something. When others think of you and me, they never do so without adjectives or descriptive nouns that identify something about us, our character, habits, appearance, our social status, ethnicity, roles, …I am a Christian, man, husband, Dad, Opa (grandpa), brother, uncle, neighbor, German, American, immigrant, citizen, pastor, neighbor, whipped cream lover, educated, white, bald, fairly fit, odd, multi-lingual, now 60-year-old, who tells lots of people that they are my favorites.

The way you think of me and would describe me depends on your experience with me, how well you know me, whether or not you like me… Some things about me I cannot change, some I should (so I am told, but I am also stubborn), some I want to, and some I have. I cannot not be a German, white, Dad, Opa, uncle, neighbor… What I do have to decide what kind of German, American, husband, Dad, Opa, white, man, and neighbor I am going to be. I do have to choose what I will be known for, what adjectives and descriptive nouns my name will conjure up in people’s minds and conversations.

In Acts 28 Luke, who is among the shipwrecked crawling up a beach on the island of Malta, whose inhabitants met them with “extraordinary kindness” (v.2), received them, made fires for them, and helped them. What a great thing to be known for! Extraordinary, uncommon, kindness. Contrast that with the Cretans who were described by one of their own as, “liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons” (Titus 1:12). Everyone is capable of kindness, even extraordinary kindness. These Maltese were not Christians, but they were super kind. This did not mean they had no need for Christ and the forgiveness and eternal life that is only found in Him, but it did mean they made a real, tangible difference in the lives of the battered survivors littered on their beach.

In pouring rain, they poured out extraordinary kindness to such as extent that Luke attached it to them whenever and wherever he mentioned them, and that God thought it important enough to permanently record it in the Bible (God’s written word). It is a great honor when people use the words extraordinary kindness to describe you, it is quite another when God recognizes you as such. Everybody is capable of kindness, even extraordinary kindness, but for a Christian, it is never optional. Kindness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and without it a believer is unstable and keeps tripping up (2 Peter 1:5-11). Two more thoughts:

  • How much unkindness does it take before people will stop calling you kind? In my experience, not a whole lot.

  • Imagine with me the difference kindness makes, especially when we commit ourselves to practice it continually, rain or shine, regardless who washes up on the beach of our lives, beginning with those closest to us.

You can be extraordinary kind today and every day. 

To God be all glory.
Love you, Pastor Hans 

Waiting - Don't Waste It

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Psalm 27:13-14 (NIV)

How good are you at waiting? Yes, you, and I can see you ducking. Our entire culture is not good at waiting, we don’t see it as a virtue but as a failure of someone or something, as something interrupting our happiness. It has to happen now, quickly, and hopefully, sooner than later. Have you noticed? The COVID-19 crisis did not care one bit about making us wait, putting our plans on hold, for who knows how long. By now we can’t wait for things to get back to some kind of normal. So again, how good are you at waiting? Since you are, for some reason, refusing to answer, take the following test. Mark all the ones you would have a hard time with:

  • Waiting for 2000 years. Christians have now been waiting for almost 2000 years for Jesus to return and who knows how much longer it will be (2 Peter 3:3-10).

  • Waiting for 400 years. God told Abraham that his descendants would have to wait for hundreds of years to be delivered from the tyranny of Egypt (Genesis 15:13).

  • Waiting for 70 years. The rebellious remnant exiled to Babylon was told they had to wait for seventy years before any of them could return. (Jeremiah 29:10)

  • Waiting for 7 weeks. After Jesus’ ascension, the disciples had to wait seven weeks for the promised Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8)

  • Waiting for 1 week. Saul, because he saw his troops defecting, couldn’t wait for more than a week for the prophet Samuel to arrive (1 Samuel 13:8-11).

  • Waiting for 1 day. Naomi told her daughter-in-law Ruth to relax, be patient, and wait a day for Boaz to take care of things.

  • Waiting for 1 hour. The disciples were emotionally and physically tuckered out they couldn’t wait for an hour when Jesus asked them to sit and wait until He had prayed (Matthew 26:36-41)

Our chief problem with waiting is that we run out of time even if we beat the life-expectancy statistics. But we don’t just run out of time in general, we don’t get to be kids forever, opportunities pass, the chance to have children diminishes, the time to adequately store up for retirement vanishes, you can’t realize your dreams by waiting forever, ...God on the other hand never runs out of time, He is the Eternal One, the Inventor and Creator of time and space.

Have you ever considered what it must have been like for Jesus, the eternal Son of God, in his incarnation, to restrict himself to time, to waiting, to running out of time?Some of Satan’s major temptations thrown at Jesus were regarding waiting and time (Luke 4:1-8). “You’re hungry! So, why wait? Just turn these stones into bread?” “You’re supposed to be king of everything! Why waste time waiting for God’s long-winded plan filled with suffering? You can be king now; all you have to do is worship me.” When it comes to waiting Satan assumes at least four things:

  1. We are not good at waiting. There is not a single baby who is good at waiting, “Feed me, change me, hold me, adore me – NOW!” Our needs scream out, our wants demand satisfaction, our dreams whisper to us, “You don’t have forever,” none of them encourage us to wait.

  2. Our sinfulness hates waiting, self-denial, submission to God’s will and ways. “Waiting to have sex until you are married – get real!” “Staying out of debt and waiting to buy things until you can pay for things? – What about your credit score? Dummy!”

  3. Waiting becomes more difficult the longer we have to wait. Have you experienced rising anxiety as you waited patiently in an airport check-in lane, realizing that at this pace you will miss your flight? Consciously or subconsciously we are aware of and afraid of missing out, that opportunities are not endless because life isn’t.

  4. We make serious mistakes when we operate out of impatience, impulsiveness, and give in to FOMO (fear of missing out).

As busy as Satan might be in our waiting, God is even more so. He is the one who is in charge of time, so, if God has us waiting, we can safely assume that we we’re not wasting time or opportunity. God is not inactive when he has us waiting, He is actually growing us, developing us, shaping us – Jesus thought so.

To God be all glory. Love you, Pastor Hans 
P.S. For more waiting click here to watch the 04/26/20 sermon - www.LDPBaptistChurch.com       

Stable and Shining

“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:14-16 (NLT2)

Jesus was directly speaking to his disciples when he spoke these words, but there was also a large crowd listening in, and clearly, he wanted them to hear what he had to say as well. At the end of his sermon, he spelled out why he was preaching what he was preaching.

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows (practices, acts on) it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.  Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.  But anyone who hears my teaching and ignores it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash” Matthew 7:24-27 (NLT2, parenthesis mine).

Jesus, God is interested in you and me living lives of stability amidst the instability, even torrents, and disasters of our world. He wants you and me to be people of purpose, who make a difference, whose light keeps shining no matter how dark it gets, whose actions make people want to sing praises to God. But for this to actually happen, we need to hear Jesus' words and trust them enough to act on them, that’s called faith. This is why I read some portion of God’s word (the Bible) every day, think about it, take some notes, and try to make “act-on-it” connections to what is going on in my life around me. The last two mornings I read Luke 11 and 12 (We are in Luke in our church’s Bible-reading plan) and found some things to help my life keep shining brightly and keep me stable in our current crisis, and, since this is a pastor’s note, I am convinced these will benefit you too:

Pray – Luke 11:1-13

  • Not if but “when” you pray.

  • Pray with persistence, keep knocking, seeking, asking.

  • Pray with a focus on God’s goodness.

  • Pray seeking God’s very best.

Help – Luke 12:13-21

  • Don’t hoard.

  • Don’t act on the fear of not getting your fair share.

  • Look out for more than yourself.

  • However little or much you have enables you to share.

Invest – Luke 12:21, 31-34

  • In more than yourself.

  • In more than the stock market and your financial portfolio.

  • In more than what will keep you comfortable to the end of your life.

  • In the goodness of your heart.

Jesus didn’t just teach the above as a means of crisis management, he wants you and me to practice them, and much more keep-your-light-burning stuff, whether the sun is shining, or the torrents are raging. He wants you and me to build foundations that don’t crumble even under the greatest stresses and challenges.
To God be all glory.
Love you, Pastor Hans